19 years have passed since they set off. 19 years of seeking and testing solutions, turning risks into opportunities, and looking for the best path for their business. A path based on a loyal business model, with ethics and reliability at the forefront, and with the awareness that after years of development, Spiżarnia is ready to share the goodness it has managed to create.
And so, step by step, we’ve got to the moment when we can open the door to Spiżarnia Foundation for you. This is a place where we want to do good and support those that need it.
Our vision is broad and we don’t want to limit it in any way. The statutes of our Foundation give us room to offer extensive support.
We help the talented children of our employees, who at times need assistance in some areas, and other kids from the Lublin region who cannot afford new football boots or English classes.
Spiżarnia Foundation aims to support local gifted children by giving them the opportunities they did not get. We believe there is great potential in each one of those kids. They only need the right tools to discover it. Once they unleash and hone their talents, they will open a whole new world of possibilities.
All the stories that we hear and share in have one message in common: helping is good and the good returns to us in a myriad of smiles. This is what keeps us going.
The Foundation Management Board

Renata Sałaga
President of the Foundation Management Board

Beata Sykuła
Vice-President of the Foundation Management Board
The Foundation Council and Statutes

Fundacja Spiżarnia
Ul. Bursaki 14
20-150 Lublin
ID 7123451407
tel. +48 532 338 937
e-mail: katarzyna.rzechowska@spizarnia.co.uk

You Can Help Too!
The main goal of Spiżarnia Foundation is to help wisely. Thanks to our Benefactors, we can achieve more. Our activities are transparent – every person who decides to support Spiżarnia Foundation will receive a monthly report of our operations. Together, we can multiply kindness and create more opportunities.

Support young sporting talents from the Lublin region

Support the education of talented kids

Help us organise workshops that will create equal opportunities for the kids’ present and future
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