It was round, now it’s horizontal. There used to be three trucks, now there’s one. The same color remains, burgundy, complemented by energetic orange. We present to you our new logo!
Why Did We Change the Logo?
It’s not easy to part with something you love. Something that has accompanied us for so long. Something that is synonymous with our mutual success. But a few months ago, we took on this task. Among the proposals, we tried to find features characteristic of our company. The starting points were elements such as space, warehouse, box, truck, transport. The sign was intended to be simple and easy to remember.
Spiżarnia is developing territorially, in terms of assortment, and quality in every area – offer, service, delivery, customer service. Implementing a new, simple, and legible logo also reflects this development.
Open the door to your imagination!
And what do you see in our new logo? Maybe a truck? A warehouse? A package? A pallet? A mirror? What you see in our new graphic sign really depends on your imagination. Some will see a truck from above, others from the side, some will see a mirror, and others will see a pallet or a warehouse. We hope you will quickly grow fond of our logo!
With Care for the Environment
With environmental care in mind, we intend to gradually, reasonably, and practically introduce changes to the signage in our company. Therefore, in the coming weeks, both logos will accompany us simultaneously.